

OCTOBER is here!!!

Soon the leaves will be changing colors and falling from the trees…

In my last newsletter, I mentioned how the coolness of Fall was arriving. Then this week, we found ourselves back in the midst of another heat wave, with temperatures spiking up to 100 degrees in Sacramento. Looking ahead into next week, cooler weather is forecasted, along with a slight possibility for rain here.


This OSCILLATION of weather, as we yo-yo between hot-cool-hot-cool, is the very nature of this transitional time, as the weather begins its shift away from the heat of summer towards the coolness of fall. During this yo-yo’ing of weather, we can all become a bit confused with how to dress, what to eat, how best to take care of ourselves, not to mention the body’s confusion as it recalibrates. Therefore, transitional points in a cycle can be delicate junctures, where our immune system can take a hit and we find ourselves more susceptible to colds and flus. This year, with all that is going on, it’s especially important to take care of our health and FORTIFY our IMMUNE SYSTEM, as we make this annual shift through the seasons.

Therefore, NOW is a great time to REASSESS & RECOMMIT to your SELF-CARE regiment. Make sure you are getting enough sleep, and staying nourished and hydrated. Time to cut the ice, and start drinking warmer liquids, such as herbal teas, lemon-ginger water, mineral broth and soups. Supplement your meals with some warm, cooked, nourishing and grounding foods, especially if you’ve been on a predominantly raw/salad diet all summer. As we begin to shift into the VATA season of the year, adjusting our diet and lifestyle habits towards more grounding, warming, and nourishing qualities will help aid our immune system to stay strong, so it can take care of us and ward off the typical colds and flus of this season!

Here’s a Basic Kitchari Recipe, a soup of rice and mung dhal with spices and vegetables, which is nourishing and easy to digest.

And if you are still walking around in them flippy-floppies… Now is a good time to dust off those closed toe shoes and remember to wrap your neck with a light scarf on those early morning and late evening walks.



HARVEST MOON occurred on October 1, 2020 this year. This particular full moon is also known as the Moon (Cake) Festival or Mid-Autumn Festival in the Chinese tradition, and falls on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. This moon is a celebration of the summer’s harvest, while also signifying a time to shift activities, take stock, and begin preparing for the cold, dormant months ahead.

SKY PATTERNS. If you follow astrology at all, you likely know that we have had some pretty intense alignments up in the sky this year. This Cosmic Dance continues. Most recently, Jupiter and Saturn have both gone direct, each in their own sign for the moment. Rahu and Ketu shifted signs (where they will be for the next 18-months), with Ketu now in its sign of exaltation, Scorpio. Mars is still retrograde, and just left its own sign of Aries as it backs into Pisces again. Note: This is all per the Sidereal Zodiac, which Jyotish (Vedic Astrology) follows, which aligns with what’s true in the sky.

What does all of this mumbo-jumbo mean??? - you ask. Well, if you are not familiar with your Jyotish Natal Chart, don’t fret. I am now offering Jyotishi Natal Chart readings at a discounted rate for a limited time. Book a reading with me today to learn more about your Karmic Mapping.

YOGA OFFERINGS continue with Livestream Gentle Hatha Yoga weekly. Check our Calendar for latest Sessions, Events and Offerings. For now, public yoga sessions continue to be offered on a Donation basis, with Zoom link embedded in event listing. Hope to see you on the mat for some Gentle Hatha this week!